The acrimonious debate over Greece’s financial plight has tarnished Germany’s reputation for years to come, says..
The eternal question. Read it in Exberliner
Filmindustrie testet alternative Vertriebswege
- 9th February 2015,
Die Filmschaffenden beim Europäischen Film Markt der Berlinale müssen sich mit den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des alternativem..
93-year-old German woman suspected of being SS guard
- 2nd February 2015,
Hilde Michnia is also alleged to have forced prisoners on an evacuation march at Gross-Rosen in
NPD members were supposed to arrive in Freiburg to support a woman banned from an exam..
Wurst case scenario – food labelling in Germany
- 1st February 2015,
You’re being lied to about what’s in your food. Or at least that’s what consumer group..
Merkel isn’t as evil as everyone outside Germany says, but now would be a good time
Reinhard Strecker, the man who exposed the German judiciary’s Nazi past
- 26th January 2015,
Reinhard Strecker lives a quiet life now – but he was once feared by ex-Nazis who..
Both Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Justice Minister Heiko Maas expressed their outrage about CIA torture..
A day after Amnesty International published a report on Europe’s collusion with the CIA’s torture program,..