Merkel hasn’t suddenly found a heart and gone mad. And she’s not being “unrealistic” about the..
LATEST POSTS from Konrad Werner
Just so you know, the Bundestag is going to pass a new mass data collection law
Bavaria, under the generalship of Horst Seehofer, is preparing to secede from the Republic. These are
Konrad Werner: Germany protects its corrupt multinationals? No shit!
- 28th September 2015,
Whether it’s Volkswagen or Heckler & Koch, the German government goes out of its way to..
Five Bundesliga clubs have now told the Bild newspaper where they can stick their “We’re helping”
This isn’t a crisis, this is just called reluctantly getting your shit together. …read more
There’s a ban on Merkel-bashing this week – she did good. Just a few small points,..
Merkel has said she’s against all the Nazi violence in Saxony. Maybe she could stop ignoring
If it hadn’t been for the Verfassungschutz’s treason charges, would anyone have even read Netzpolitik in
Why does Sigmar Gabriel exist? Who castrated the centre-left? Is this what German politics has come