Suspected Nazi terrorist Beate Zschäpe has kept silent in all 101 days of her trial. Maybe..
LATEST POSTS from Konrad Werner
The whole Crimea thing is getting really confusing, especially if you’re trying to figure out Germany’s
Germany’s newest political party are aiming for an elusive niche – the reasonable nutter. …read more
German politics is a wretched swamp at the moment. …read more
Everyone hates rich people, so why don’t we hate rich companies? …read more
Konrad has worked out what Merkel’s big plan is. …read more
The Manic Street Preachers had it right. At least in 2010. …read more
Konrad can’t be bothered to write another depressing, sarcastic post on the NSA. So here’s some..
Konrad has found a fan. A fan who thinks he’s rubbish at English and lacks “this
Konrad wanted to get stoned and go to the movies. But because the CSU are such